Qatar FIFA 2022, A Civilized Model Of Islam

Qatar is the first country in the Middle East to host the FIFA World Cup 2022. This was after Qatar’s award hosting in December 2010. This is a tremendous opportunity for Qatar to represent Qatar in FIFA 2022 as a civilized model of Islam. The country converted to Islam in the 7th century. Since winning the hosting, it has been constructing some of the most eco-friendly and architectural advanced sporting facilities ever seen. It is the kind of country that has the power to host the greatest show of FIFA ever on Earth.

First, Qatar has always drawn its strength from discovering oil, fishing, and pearl hunting. In addition, it is the world’s second-largest exporter of liquefied natural gas. Hosting the tournament presents tremendous opportunities for Qatar to prove itself as a powerful country. Significantly, Qatar has always been taking advantage of the tournament hosting to develop local Industries, expertise, and infrastructure. This was for Innovation and application of excellent standards and support of Qatar’s transition to a knowledge-based economy. This edition of the FIFA World Cup 2022 is being themed by Qatar on its culture, history, identity, and hospitability. As a result, efforts have made the event an unforgettable historical experience.

The Tremendous Achievements and Preparations of Qatar’s FIFA World Cup Hosting 2022 as a Civilized Model of Islam

Qatar has reflected the Islamic culture theme in the event’s hosting laws. This has made Qatar FIFA 2022 a civilized model of Islam. Affected by the domestic laws of the country, Qatar imposed laws governing the behavior of foreign nationals. Laws also included regulating the rights of broadcast and FIFA’s intellectual property. Laws also covered the entry and exit of fans, fans’ financial transactions, and the establishment of the Security Commission. All the imposed laws require foreign Nationals who are visiting the country to adhere to local Customs. This applies to the fans who are attending the World Cup tournament.

These laws include:

  • It prohibits selling any type of Alcohol in and around the stadium.
  • It prohibits all homosexual slogans.
  • All kinds of music and songs at the time of the prayers are not allowed.
  • Banning the German national team’s flight from entering the country for bearing the homosexual logo and exchanging it.

As a Muslim country, Qatar expects foreign Nationals intending the World Cup tournament to wear conservative clothes in public places. Accordingly, laws prohibited fans from putting money on specific teams according to the domestic law of Qatar, which prohibits gambling.

Other Beautifying Islamic Implementations

Posting Ahadith Nabawia, which means the sayings of the prophet PBUH, in every corner of the stadium about Islamic tolerance, charity, and pure altruism.

It Exchanged all the humble-voice Muezzins (the believers who call for the prayer) with charming-voice Muezzins.

Moreover, the allocation of many speakers inside the stadium in order to allow fans and everyone to hear the Azan.

Distribution of books about Islamic and Arabian history and introduction to Islam. All books are available in the audience’s languages.

Posting Boasters calling the audience not to smoke or drink alcohol as well as respecting Qatar’s religion and culture.

Inauguration of the event by reciting some Ayat from the holy Quran by the Qatari reciter Ghanim Al Moftah.

Hosting the most iconic Islamic preacher, Zakir Nike. He will conduct religious lectures in the largest global gathering for the entire duration of the event.

Equally important, Qatar has been constructing one of the greatest stadiums. It will be hosting the largest edition in the history of the event.

Other Attracting Preparations

Starting from the design of the emblem of FIFA World Cup 2022 implies many symbols. Its design resembles the traditional woolen shawl that men and women were in the Arab region. The shawl itself represents a symbol of a unifying force. They shaped the emblem in figure 8, which represents the number of stadiums built to host the event. Moreover, the design of the emblem celebrates Qatar’s heritage while embodying the vision of a global event that connects and engages the entire world.

Qatar Fifa 2022 as a Civilized Model of Islam, Between Proponents and Opponents, Still Challenging

The Worldwide focused its attention on the Islamic-culture theme rather than the tournament itself. “Since we won the honor of hosting the World Cup, Qatar has been subjected to an unprecedented campaign that no host country has faced,” the emir said in a speech. “We initially dealt with the matter in good faith, and even considered that some criticism was positive and useful, helping us to develop aspects that need to be developed,” the emir said.

Nevertheless, massive speech attacks against Qatar still claim Qatar’s Islamization of the FIFA World Cup event. Accordingly, many have been cruelly attacking Qatar through speech for its situation towards homosexual relationships as a dictatorial country that gives no value to freedom and human rights. Others were criticizing choosing Qatar as a host claiming that it is a very small country. “Picking Qatar to host the World Cup was a mistake,” former FIFA president Sepp Blatter said. “It’s a country that’s too small,” Mr. Blatter said of Qatar, the smallest host by size since the 1954 tournament in Switzerland. All criticizing claims tend to be either racist, islamophobic, or even secular.

The Associated Press’s Speech

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (Associated Press) — Qatar is a Muslim nation, with laws, customs, and practices rooted in Islam. The country is neither as liberal as Dubai in the United Arab Emirates nor as conservative as parts of Saudi Arabia. Most of its citizens are Sunni Muslim.”

Qatar’s most powerful clan originates from the Arabian Peninsula’s landlocked interior, where the Wahhabi ideology was born. Its national mosque is named after the 18th-century religious figure, Mohammed Ibn Abdul-Wahhab, who spurred the ultraconservative interpretation of Sunni Islam known as Wahhabism.

Visitors to this mosque and others in Qatar are asked to dress conservatively, with men covering their knees and women preferably donning loose-flowing robes known as abayas and headscarves.

Unlike Saudi Arabia, where adherence to Wahhabism led to strict segregation of unmarried men and women, banned women from driving, and kept concerts, cinemas, and even yoga off-limits for decades, Qatar has long sponsored the arts, allowed women to participate in high levels of governance and encouraged tourists to feel at ease in the country. It also permits the sale of alcohol in licensed hotels and bars.

General View

Each time the word wide strongly proves that the World Cup Tournament is not just a game. But, it’s a chance to scatter all the political issues and to flip over the flows of each country in its face. From the very first moment of Qatar’s winning the hosting honor, European countries turned their attention toward Qatar, facing constant scrutiny over its treatment of foreign workers, women’s rights, and homosexuals’ rights.

In addition, each time the FIFA Union puts rules to avoid merging politics with the tournaments, they seem useless since many European countries tend to politicalize the contests on a large scale. Authorities in several French cities – including Paris – have already announced that they will boycott the event by not showing any matches on big screens or creating fan zones. Nevertheless, Despite all the opponents’ fingers pointing towards Qatar, Qatar has proven that it is worth hosting. On top of all the beautifying deeds Qatar made is launching a campaign on social media called #Reflect_Your_Respect which totally makes Qatar FIFA 2022 a civilized model of Islam. In the end, let us enjoy the event in our own special way and wish the players all the best of luck!