Israel Has No Right To Exist If Palestine Has No Right To Exist

A favorite mantra Israel and her propaganda mouthpieces around the world keep invoking and repeating is that Israel’s foes don’t recognize the apartheid entity’s right to exist. This scandalous tool of disinformation is then parroted unceasingly by gullible and dishonest western officials without verifying its veracity.

In this article, I will try to explain why many people around the world, including hundreds of millions of Muslims, have serious, honest and credible objections about "the crime against humanity known as Israel"

Israel doesn’t define its borders

To begin with, Israel doesn’t define its borders in order to conceal its territorial ambitions from the world. According to some Talmudic sages, Israel’s territory includes all of mandatory Palestine, the SinaiPeninsula, northern Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Southern Turkey, most of Iraq, Kuwait, and northern Saudi Arabia.

I am not inventing anything. This piece of information comes from Israel Shahak’s highly informative Book “Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years (Pluto Middle Eastern Studies) Paperback – December 1, 1997

Some Israeli commentators remarked several years ago that Israel’s real borders extend to the extent reached by Israeli tanks and troops. In other words, wherever the Israeli army stops, there lie the borders of Israel.

We have Reached another part of Israel

In the mid- 1990s, when the late king Hussein of Jordan invited Israeli Knesset members to a Ramadan fast-breaking feast in Amman, and while the Israeli plane was entering the Jordanian airspace, then Knesset Speaker Haim Shelansky remarked that “we have reached another part of Eretz Yisrae(Land of Israel).

Now, I would like to pose the following question: Which nation-state in the whole world would recognize the legitimacy of a neighboring state that is hell-bent on occupying its neighbors’ land and claiming it as its own land? Indeed, if the acquisition of territory by force is acceptable, then the world should recognize as perfectly legitimate the occupation and annexation by Russia of four Ukrainian provinces?

Israel might argue that its occupation and annexation of Arab land occurred only after the Jewish state came under attacked by Arab neighbors, a claim lacking historical accuracy. But even if the argument was correct, an aggression would only give states the right to repulse the aggression, not occupy the aggressor’s territory.

Apartheid: a cruel system of domination and repression

Apart from Israel’s Lebensraum designs and ambitions in the Middle East, Israel is, regardless of the worthless remarks by ignorant or hypocritical US and European leaders, Israel is a manifestly racist apartheid entity by law (the Nationality Law), though the term apartheid is replaced with a euphemistic expression to deceive ordinary people, especially in the West.

In fact, Israel practices apartheid in every conceivable aspect of life-from water allocations in the West Bank to home demolition policies. Thus, the “first order of business” to punish a Palestinian resistance fighter (Israel calls anyone resisting its extremely cruel occupation “terrorist”!) is to demolish his family home, as if the death of the Palestinian, who often gets killed or captured and then sentenced to imprisonment for life, is not enough.! So, his otherwise totally innocent family, including children, must be tormented and savaged.

On the contrary, when a Jewish terrorist murders dozens of innocent Palestinians, the terrorist’s family home or even his own home is not demolished. And if he got killed or was imprisoned, usually under lenient conditions, his wife and kids would receive hefty amounts of “insurance” and charity money from wealthy Jewish donors and Evangelical Christian Zionists in the United States and elsewhere.

I am not talking about hypothetical matters. In 1994, an American Jewish terrorist named Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Palestinian worshipers while praying at the Ibrahimi Mosque in al-Khalil in the Southern West Bank. The terrorist was eventually neutralized by survivors.

His family received an unspecified but large sum of money from private American sources. Moreover, the Tomb of the Mass murderer in the settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron became a pilgrimage site visited by extremist Jews from around the world. Interestingly, a fan of Baruch Goldstein named Ben Gvir is now heading an electoral list that is slated to run in the upcoming general Israeli elections on 1 November. According to Israeli media, Ben Gvir considers the mass murderer Goldstein as his ultimate hero.

Fascism is mainstream in Israel

But Gvir is by no means Goldstein’s only fan. In fact, it is widely believed that hundreds of thousands of Israeli and American Jews adopt a deeply racist and even genocidal mentality, not only against Palestinians, but against non-Jews in general. Just read their books, pamphlets, comments on news sites. Read their college curricula in Yeshivot or Talmudic colleges like Mirkaz Harav in West Jerusalem, and see for yourselves.

I can’t finish this thread without pointing to a very important fact in this regard. In 1994, the genocidal Zionist religious ideology was espoused by a marginal minority of Israeli Jews. Today, This toxic ideology, in its various forms and levels represents, more or less, the mainstream current in the Jewish state.

According to the Ynet English site, today, over 65% of Israeli Jews say they are identified with the right. Interestingly, the terms “right and left” don’t denote or connote the same thing in Israel as in Europe and the United States.

Thus, the Likud, a fascist party by excellance, which supports apartheid and racism against non-Jews, is considered by most Israelis as representing the “moderate right” while the Kahana groups, like the above-mentioned Ben Gvir’s list, are reffered to as “far-right.”

In fact, in any true democracy worthy of the name, all Israeli right-wing groups, including the Likud, Yamina, Gush Emunim, Religious Zionism, etc, would be immediately banned and barred from taking part in elections, due to their legal classification as Nazi parties.

Criminal Western hypocrisy

I am absolutely sure that Western governments and leaders fully understand this fact. Yet, they choose to ignore it for two main reasons: First, their mortal fear of the Zionist ghoul and the macabre risk of being labeled anti-Semites. This is what eventually politically destroyed the former leader of the British Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn, who made some non-conformist but totally correct remarks, criticizing Israeli racism and apartheid in Palestine.

The timeless British crime

Second, the inherent historical racism of the US and Europe against Islam and Muslims which culminated in 1917, when Britain issued the nefarious Balfour Declaration that gave Palestine on a silver platter to greedy Khazar Jews. Needless to say, this infamous declaration, was perfected in 1948, when the evil entity of Israel was established by western powers, ostensibly to compensate Jews for the Holocaust. Hence, the helpless people of Palestine were made to pay the price for German crimes against Jews during the Second war of the world. Yes, this gargantuan crime against humanity, namely Israel, will continue to cry out to the seventh heaven until the very last day of life on earth.

We Palestinians will not give in to endless melancholy. However, the very least we can and must do is not to recognize the legitimacy of Israel. This is the very least we must do as moral human beings.

Manifest Destiny As to the West, which embraces Israeli racism, expansionism, aggression, criminality and hegemony, it is only revealing its true colors, which we Muslims have been familiar with since the days of Chanson de Roland. This is the very same West which exterminated numerous millions of Native Americans and then called the huge genocide “manifest Destiny.